Saturday, November 27, 2010


Yeah, sorry. I've been kinda busy. Thx-giving break takes me away from my magical device that makes images, so I'm powerless here, LOL!


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

So, here it is! The comic you all have been crying about to see!It's so good, it'll make you pants fall down! It's...
Well, not EXACTLY. My comic isn't all done; YET! I have parts 1 and 2 done. So I thought to myself, "Hey, why you keeping them waiting for part 3? Give 'em 1 & 2 already!" And that's exactly what I intend to do. So... HERE IT IS! (Click to enlarge)

Part 1

Part 2

How yer like it? IT'S AWESOME, RIGHT?!?! Part 3 will come soon. Did yer see dem storm on CP? SURE HOPE IT RAINS!
Waddle On!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Never Make a Promise that Ya Can't Keep

So yeah, I know my comic is way past late, but if you were me, you would understand why it takes so ling. I really am trying to finish this week. To make it up to you though, remember that Club Penguin video in french, (sounds like pig latin) ? I'm guessing you can hear it right now as your reading. Well, anyways, I just found the ENGLISH version of the video! This is no edit penguins! C heck it out by clicking HERE. Hope yer like it! Now, I'm gonna go finish my work, then HOPEFULLY finish my new header and background, and HOPEFULLY finish my comic. BYEEE...

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy November!

Third Happy post, LOL. Anyways, FOR REAL, my new comic is out tommorow! WADDLE ON!