Sunday, June 12, 2011


Dear Club Penguin,
I got three words for you. "Penguin Band Ugliness". Yeah, that's right. Penguin band is ugly. Let me explain:
Let's start with Franky, shall we?

Ahhh.. Look at that AWESOME penguin band member. The newest member of the band, and a great guitarist, I might add. Now you have completely thrown THIS awesome man in the garbage, and replaced it with this junk:
Franky name.png
Umm... EWWW!!!! He is now some weird bald dude, and no more does he play guitar. Oh, no, no no. He now plays some double decker piano. For real? C'mon, double deckers are for hamburgers, not the piano!!! And the baldness has got to be covered up! Put his hat back on!

Ok then, now on to Petey K:
File:Petey K.png
K, look at Petey K. Isn't he awesome? He looked like the oldest member of this country crew, the wisest, and funniest! But now you have stuffed him along in the garbage as WELL! Now you have replaced it with THIS:
File:Petey K name.png
Who is this girl? What?! It's Petey K?! You must be joking! He looks like a girl! At least he still plays the accordian. On to Stompin' Bob:File:Stompin Bob.png
The coolest member of the band here, with his cool bass. You now clutter even MORE into the dump, and replace it with this weirdo...
File:Stompin Bob name.png
What's up with this?! He looks, like, a trillion billion years younger! It's horrible! He looked like another older member of the band, and now he looks like he is in high school. Shall I go on? Good! On to G Billy:
File:G Billy name.png
This drummer is more awesome than a possum! He is very talented, mostly while playing the drums. Now you overstuffed the garbage by throwing him out, and replacing him with...
File:G Billy.PNG
You threw this guy out comepletely, and replaced it with this guy! I don't even know his name! Wait, you're tellin' me dats the same guy? Impossible! Let's explain what went wrong: You throw away his hat, and planted some hair, not on his back, but his head! And placed some odd banana with it? Whoops, I mean, bandana, but it looks like a banana! He looks freakish with his beak, and looks like he has shoulder pads! Plus, he looks like he is on some kiddie drums!
We all want the old band back. Please consider it!
