Friday, July 29, 2011


I'm leavin' for VK RIGHT NOW!

Monday, July 25, 2011

It's Knishmas in July!

Hey, hey! It's Knishmas! Well, Knishmas in July, at least. Anyways, I wanted to show my favorite Club Penguin Christmas Classic! It's something a little different, but I'm sure you're pretty familiar with it. ;)

Sooo... Whaddaya think? I have an ad for the website that created the story on my left sidebar! Make sure to check it out!

Waddle On and Chimmey-Chonga!
-As always, Nayr11

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Throughout Thursday!

What's Up, Giblets?! Today, I have for you some funnies for you, that will make you laugh 'Throughout Thursday'! So to start out the laughs, let's do some yoga...

Ummm... Did I say yoga? Sorry! I meant YOGURT. You know what, nevermind. Here's the random Phineas and Ferb photos, AS WELL, as two random Spongebob photos:

Heh, heh, heh... Ok, ok. Here's today's "Random YouTube Video!":

Ok, time fore the random joke of the day.

Q: What do you call a pig that knows karate?


By the way, I'm going to be gone today, and won't come back 'till Saturday. So I won't post 'till then. Sorry.


Waddle On and "I gotta outta the chair!"

-As always, Nayr11

Wacky Wednesday!

UPDATE: Joke of the day!

Knock, Knock.
Who's there?
Boo Who?

Good morning, Penguins! Today, for Wacky Wednesday, I have 8 random Phineas and Ferb photos. Check 'em out:

Lost playtpus, looks like a girl... LOL.

Waddle On and I'm still in the chair...
-As always, Nayr11

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tuesday Funnies!

Hey there, Penguins! Are you ready for the Tuesday Funnies? YOU BETTER BE!!! JK. To start the laughs, here are today's random Phineas and Ferb photo's!

O... k? Those were pretty weird. Ok, for the first time in three months, I have made another comic! It's a mini comic, though.
Do any of you know where that's from, or am I the only one? LOL. Ok, now it's time for the random joke of the day!

Q: Why did the chicken cross the rode?

A: ... Monkey Pants!
I'm still stuck in this chair!!!!!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Designing Before Vacation!

Waz up, Penguins?! I am going to be doing another...
Do any of you remember when I did that back in March? Well I need an even BETTER design, now. and I need YOUR help! Yes, YOU! Do you have any ideas for the new theme? Or perhaps an little tip for the design? Lemme know by posting in a comment!
Construction begins tomorrow, and will continue throughout the week.
So aside from the consturction, I am going on vacation, just like last year! My sister just finished auditioning for a play, so we can start vacation in a week or two!
She got a callback for the play, and now she's goin' crazy! She sings "Just a Spoonful of Sugar" so much, that I explode when I hear my brother and I hummin' the tune!
On vacation, we'll get to hang out with our cousins, and go swimming 'n stuff while we're there.It doesn't matter where, we literally go swimming, like, a hundred times EVERY Summer VK!

All of our cousins will actually be coming to my house THIS Sunday! And one of those Cousins is Butler777, from Club Penguin Cousins. Yep, he actually is my real cousin!

I can't wait for my VK to start! But for now, I'm just gonna sit down and rest on this chair-
-As always, Nayr11