Monday, July 25, 2011

It's Knishmas in July!

Hey, hey! It's Knishmas! Well, Knishmas in July, at least. Anyways, I wanted to show my favorite Club Penguin Christmas Classic! It's something a little different, but I'm sure you're pretty familiar with it. ;)

Sooo... Whaddaya think? I have an ad for the website that created the story on my left sidebar! Make sure to check it out!

Waddle On and Chimmey-Chonga!
-As always, Nayr11


toby schneckloth said...

Awesome! Merry Knishmas

Edster12499 said...

Merry Knishmas from Edster12499! Thanks for the reply comment. xD Your theme rocks! I love the header, etc. So how have you been these days?

Slider94 said...

hehe! that was fun to make! thanks for putting it on your site :D