Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Hey guys! What's up! Soooo... I made a comic! Here it is! I will post it on my comic page soon! Enjoy!

Like it? You do? Wait, I can't here you. Oh well. Hey, if any of you bloggers know how to make the thing where you insert your own pic for the backround here, please lemme know!
Waddle On!


Anonymous said...

Heya Nayr11. This is Pengwing4. First, I love your comics. =D Second, to add a new background image, go to the template designer in "Design". Now go to Background. Click the image thing so that you can change the background. You know what I'm talking about? Okay, now you need to click "Upload Image" at the top. Simply choose the file, and upload it. If I didn't help much, email me or leave a comment on my blog and I'll send you a video. Well, see ya!

Nayr11 said...

Thanks Pengwing! That was a BIG help! Don't take this the wrong way, but, I actually already knew that. Sorry! The thing is, the reason my backround is orange, is because I tried uploading an image, and it turned out ORANGE! Weird, huh? Well, thanks for the help! I'm working on my backround, and I don't know about you, (mainly cuz you haven't seen it) but I think it's AWESOME! Wadddle On!

toby schneckloth said...

Great Job Ryan

Anonymous said...


I have a solution, but you probably won't do it. You could email me the background for your blog (Pengwing4@gmail.com) and then make me an admin here (already thinging no, huh?). Then, I could upload the background and save it to your blog (by now, you should be SCREAMING "NO!" at the computer.). Well, that's the only solution I have. You may be able to try another computer.

P.S. If I were you, I would add the word "Club Penguin" to your blog name that appears on Google, cuz' right now, I can't find your blog even if I Google you.

Nayr11 said...

Yeah... Eek! I dunno, sorry... Hmm... :O I JUST THOUGHT UP OF A BRILLIANT IDEA! MAYBE IT'S MY COMPUTER! To make my images, I use a mac, (and no, I don't use photoshop,) but we have another windows computer! I'll post the image on my site, then drag it on my window's desktop, the try it there! Like it? Hope it works! Oh yeah, I'll need some time to think about that you being on admin thing, a LONG time! (Please don't take that the wrong way!)

P.S, Did you try typing in Nayr11s Club Penguin Comedy? That's the name, and Club Penguin was always in there. Try googling that!

Eat tacos On!

Anonymous said...

@Nayr11 U USE MAC?! I think that's the problem... LOL! Forget the admin thing. Just an idea. And, after I Googled "Club Penguin Comedy Nayr11", I found ur site. :)


P.S. I LOVE TACOS! Second fav food!

Nayr11 said...

I know! Laugh all you want, but the mac is GREAT for making pictures! Without it, my website wouldn't look how it is today! It would be the old style, (and trust me, it is so ugly, it's scary!) and I would post about once every two months. Not so funny now, HUH?! Jk, lol. So yeah, I'm almost finished with another comic, so just wait!