Monday, September 6, 2010

So listen...

So listen, (hey, that's the title! LOL) Ok, nobody scream at me, but I'm thinking about changing the topic of meh site! I want to call it Club Penguin Comedy! Here's some answers to some questions you might have:

What's it about?: Well, the title makes it a BIT oviose, (or however ya spell that) it's about Club Penguin Comedy! Funny Stuff! :D

What is it for?: Well, you know how there is a LOT of Club Penguin cheats websites, and a LOT of Club Penguin Funny Videos? Well I wanna, like, combine them into one!

What do you mean by that?: Well, it's not a CP site with all the guides. But it's not a Club Penguin funny video either, (I'm actually trying to figure out how to, so if you know how, lemme know!) It's a Club Penguin funny website! JUST funniness! After you see other sites with cheats, you can come to mine for a laugh!

Why?: Well, lately I've been gettin' a LOTS of homework, and it's hard to post CP cheats RIGHT on the day. With CP Comedy, I can post, not knowing a schedule, just whenever I want! (Not every, like, WEEK, LOL)

I REALLY hope you understand what I'm trying to see. I think this will be better, and funnier, and if so, I will make ALOT more bonus comedy pages! But, if you REALLY don't want me to, I won't. Unfortunatly. Well, lemme know in dem comments!

Waddle On!



toby schneckloth said...

I love the idea Ryan. Way to be creative

Jerry said...

Do it. I'll like it alot

Billy said...

I don't know. I wasn't sure because you give great cheats. Can you still do some once in awhile????????

Samuel said...

Funny is GOODA!