Thursday, August 11, 2011

Breakfast, Anyone?

Hey There, Penguins! If you haven't noticed, my new theme is up! Last year I put up a snow Gadget, kinda like this one, but it made my computer slow. So lemme know if you have any problems with the snow!

In other news, lets start out this wonderful morning with some breakfast! Here are your choices of Cereal:

Captain Rockhopper Crunch!

Honey Nut Herbert-O's!

Cinnamon Puffle Crunch!

And last, but most certainly not least...

The Penguin Band's Ice Krispies!
Yes, I used that penguin band on purpose. ;) If you decide on Ice Krispies, you get a free camera! But Honey Nut Herbert-O's reduce the risk of heart disease! Lemme know which kind you want, and I'll pour you a bowl. :)

Waddle On and Chimmey Chonga!


toby schneckloth said...

Ice Krispies for me!

Anonymous said...

I decided, and I want the coolest one... ICE KRISPIES!!!! I WANT THE FAIRY CAMERA!!!!!!

Nayr11 said...

LOL. Comen right up!

Billy said...

Defintly Capt Crunch!

Kyle said...
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At709 said...

LOL so funny!! By the way what is the code for the snow. And i was wondering if you could design a theme for my friends site . I'm trying to make his site look awesome for his b-day. il put ur banner up on his site if you make it!!

Nayr11 said...

Thanks, At709! So, here is the link:

You can customize the snow from there, OR, add some additional codes, like fall leaves.
Here is an additional snow code, with a more pleasant Christmas feeling:
About the theme... I'll see what I can do. ;) Do you want it to be new and original, or like yours? Hope that this all helped, and isn't too confusing. ;)

At709 said...

thanx for the link nayr11 and the theme can be original but if you want to make it look like mine you can

Nayr11 said...

I'll make it something new and original, considering it's his Birthday. ;)

Anonymous said...

dont make it birthday themed

Nayr11 said...

Oh! I wasn't planning on that. I'm actually fresh outta ideas for a theme! So I'm looking through old CP swf's for some "inspiration".

Nayr11 said...

Hey There At709! I'm done with the theme! I have split it up in to three parts. Here is the layout WITHOUT the background image:
And here is the background:

(I don't know if the background will fit)
Finally, here is the theme AND the background, put together:

When is his birthday, anyway? -Nayr11

At709 said...

Thanks Nayr11 its awesome but he dosent have twitter. could you take the twitter botton out

At709 said...

His birday is september 13 so that gives me time to code it and change the widgets and stuff

Nayr11 said...

Whoops. Sorry, I should've asked. Here is the new one:

Who codes the theme? i've been wanting to change my theme for a while...

At709 said...

the guy who codes the theme is mr snowman3

Nayr11 said...

Does it cost? Would he code my blog for me someday? Is it safe?

At709 said...

He did mine for free. Unless you dont want to alpy the code but u need to make him admin

Nayr11 said...

What's the admin do, and how do I make him one?

At709 said...

If you go on setting and click permissons you will see your aithor list click add authors enetr his email and when he answers the email saying yes then click the blue letters next to his name The admin can then change the design

Nayr11 said...

So am I the admin right now? If so, could I make myself admin again?

At709 said...

there can be more than one admin

Nayr11 said...

Oh, ok. Thanks for the help. I'll have to ask him if he could code my blog sometime.