What's Up, Giblets?! Today, I have for you some funnies for you, that will make you laugh 'Throughout Thursday'! So to start out the laughs, let's do some yoga...
Ummm... Did I say yoga? Sorry! I meant YOGURT. You know what, nevermind. Here's the random Phineas and Ferb photos, AS WELL, as two random Spongebob photos:
Heh, heh, heh... Ok, ok. Here's today's "Random YouTube Video!":
Ok, time fore the random joke of the day.
Q: What do you call a pig that knows karate?
By the way, I'm going to be gone today, and won't come back 'till Saturday. So I won't post 'till then. Sorry.
Waddle On and "I gotta outta the chair!"
-As always, Nayr11
Nice. I'll be laughing all weekend
Um no, I didn't 'steal' an idea... I came up with all theme ideas on my own.
slidoo!!! Hey nayr could you make me that design again but have the title be cheatswithcrash.com???
Hey At709!
1st of all: I deleted the template I used to make the CP . Secrets design
2nd of all: You still haven't put an add for my site on . yours, nor even used my template I made
3rd of all: Why? Who is "cheatswithcrash.com"?
ok the design is going up today im putting the add on now and crash is a friend
Well... Ok. I guess I could try. It's gonna take some good editing, though. since I deleted the template guide, but I'm sure I could pull it off. I tried visiting the site, with the link you gave me, but nothing showed up. So I will have to just make my own logo for him.
You don't have my add or theme, still.
Ok At709, here's what I'll do. Once you put up my site's ad, and the theme I made for your site, then I'll give you the link for Crash. Got that? Good.
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