Monday, August 16, 2010

Field- Ops #10 Cheats!

So yeah, I was just aboutz ta order dem pizza at da pizza parlor, (cuz as you know, all we have to eat are those AWEFUL fish dogs, at the top of the Mountain!) So then...
All of a sudden...
My armpit starts buzzing!
They call ME instead of me call THEM?! That is...
So I grab the buzzing phone outta my buzzing armpit, and look what I saw!
They give you what you ordered at the Command Room?! COULD THIS GET ANY BETTER!?
Of course I click GO THERE, and...
New shield pop? 75% off? THAT'S AMAZING! I need a great pop, that gives me a shield! (Never know when dem Gangstahz can come outta your toilet or anything. Can't be too careful!)
Awww MAN! This isn't shield pops! This is G!!!
Whada you want G? NO! I will NOT fix a hot coffee machine! I'M HUNGRY! Huh? Oh! No, no, no. No need to fire me, FINE! I'LL DO IT! But what aboutz meh pizza?
YAY! Wait, gross! I ASKED FOR CHEESE! Well, at least it looks like Yoda!
Ok, I will accept, but first...
YES! Wait, NO! He had a BACKUP PLAN?! Grrr, fine! You take these Aunt Arctic!
To the tubey thingymaboberoos!
Hmmm.... My senses are tingling, IT MUST BE...
To the coffee shop! So, you thought you could dress up like non-members and trick me, Eh? Well then, HAVE SOME BAD CHEESY PUNS! What? All heros have em'!
I'm about ta attack, when all of a sudden, my armpit starts buzzing! But no time for that... "It has pizza sales!!!"

Hey, these aren't pizza sales! Well, I guess I'm stuck with this.
The only reason I hate this challenge is cuz it's so S L O W on this computer! Almost there, yes, YES!
Awwww MAN! YOU SET MY PUDDING ON FIRE! Oh well! There! Now I got it!
Waddle On!



Jared said...

I love when my armpits start buzzing too, though, it's usually not a phone

Tommy said...

You're Nayr senses are very sharp

Jerry said...

The G Man is awesome, one of my favorite people in the club, though i don't like coffee


Anonymous said...


Jerry said...
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Rudy said...

I loved it