But remember when I told you that I broke the dojo when I was a monster during the Halloween party? Well, they have been starting to dig it out and they are really doing good. If you go to the inside of the dojo you'll notice that there should be a ninja training sign inside the dojo and it says it's coming on the 17th. That's just one week away!
Here is the dojo on the outside. I can't believe it; the ninja's must have been hiding in a secret top part of the dojo as you can see in the picture. And they also have a waterfall for crying out loud. I think that there are ninjas and if you go the next post. I have proof for ninjas. Well, try to look for more ninja's. Also I've seen and heard of ninjas in other places, but it'll be hard to take pictures but here's one ninja thing I've heard rumors of. If you are an agent, then go into the HQ and if you wait long enough I've heard that on one of the screens you'll see a ninja, and then the screen will have a sign up that says 'we don't even exist'. I don't know if it's true, but I think it is. Happy More Ninja Hunting.
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